Franki Moscato Foundation
The Franki Moscato Foundation was created to fight the growing epidemic of teen suicide. In 2017, over 17% of high school students considered suicide, and 7.4% attempted it. And there are a plethora of “attempts” that families do not disclose.
What are the signs?
— Talking about guilt or shame.
— Talking about being a burden to others.
— Withdrawing from family and friends.
— Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill themselves.
— Feeling unbearable emotional pain.
— Talking about having no reason to live.
— Showing rage or seeking revenge.
— Talking or thinking about death often.
— Getting things in order and saying goodbye to friends and family.
— Displaying extreme mood swings–changing from very sad to calm or happy.
What works?
— Knowing the signs.
— Providing genuinely compassionate listening–without ANY judgment.
— Making it difficult for someone to die by self-harm.
— Fostering access to mental health resources.
Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs. Suicides are preventable and there are measures that can be taken at different levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. This all requires education, tools, and influence. My foundation grants money to schools and organizations to afford to bring in the appropriate professionals to put into place a sustainable awareness and prevention program that includes students, parents, faculty, and broader communities.
My foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3), which means that every penny donated is tax-deductible. And we’ll send you a personal “Donor Acknowledgement” mailing that you’ll use as proof for your write-off when filing your taxes.
Please consider making a small donation–every penny helps.
God bless you always,
To learn more, visit the Franki Moscato Foundation
If you are in crisis, call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is available to anyone. All calls are confidential.
Here is another excellent resource,
Nearly a quarter of American adults in 2020 had a form of mental illness, with mood and anxiety disorders being some of the most common. Depression and addiction commonly co-occur, and each condition can complicate the other.
The Boca Recovery Center collaborated with their medical staff to create a comprehensive depression and addiction resource guide. This can found at:
Are you or someone you know in a really bad mental state right now? Send a voice message
A truly amazing & inspirational book!!!
As a parent, one is always on the lookout for a resource that will convey the truth your children need to be successful and connect with your child in a way that they can own the truth in their particular way. When it comes to passing on faith in Christ that desire is elevated. Finding a resource for a young adult that meets this criterion is like finding gold. This journal with a lifetime’s worth of wisdom is one of those. Written and crafted so that both parent and child contribute to learning is what faith passage is about. This book is a must-have resource for young adults as they enter college or the workforce and enter that next stage of adulthood. Further, its open style allows parents to add their unique insights before giving them to their son or daughter. Once in a while, someone comes along with a simple idea that can really move a relationship in the right direction. Thank you, Steve Wieder (and Kristina) for sharing your wisdom and example in life with us all!
~Dave S. -
Inviting and Encouraging!
Beautiful leather! The size is perfect! It’s light and thin - easy to add to your pocketbook, backpack or computer case! It can be with you anywhere you go! As you read the author’s dedication to God and his daughter, your heart will be touched. Each page is filled with uplifting words from Scripture. Since there is no table of contents, I enjoy flipping through the pages each day. Some days my eyes are drawn to the words in capital letters. Some days my eyes are drawn to the words in red or blue. Some days just one word pops out and I’m drawn into reading the Scriptures provided and then I open my Bible for more. The lined pages offer me the opportunity to journal my thoughts and prayers. This personal journal will lead young people to God’s love and His will for their lives. As an older adult, I have enjoyed journaling memories of my childhood and young adult days, my parents and their love for me, raising my children and learning how to rely on God’s love and direction everyday.
~Susan B. -
"The Sword of the Spirit" is not just limited to a specific age group; it caters to a wide audience, including adults, teens, and youth. Its universal themes and thoughtful prompts make it accessible to readers of various backgrounds and life stages. Whether you're a teenager navigating the complexities of adolescence, a young adult seeking purpose, or an adult striving for spiritual fulfillment, this journal provides valuable insights and guidance. Moreover, the journal's emphasis on the "Sword of the Spirit" symbolizes strength, wisdom, and divine guidance. By integrating spiritual concepts and teachings, the journal provides readers with a sense of grounding and peace. It acts as a guiding light, leading individuals through life's challenges and uncertainties, providing solace and assurance in the midst of chaos.Additionally, the journal serves as a safe space for expression and release. It encourages individuals to pour out their thoughts, hopes, fears, and dreams onto the pages, offering a cathartic experience. The act of journaling has been proven to reduce stress, enhance emotional well-being, and promote mental clarity, making this journal an effective tool for maintaining mental and emotional health.
~Militza J.
I Love This Journal
I absolutely love this journal. I am writing in it myself for my children. I lived most of my life thinking I knew God, and then I had an incident in which I realized what it meant to be reborn, which meant understanding I didn't know everything I thought I knew. Every day is a journey to learn something new and grow closer to Him. My daughters are a bit young to contribute now, so it's mostly me writing for them, but I am hoping they will return to it later in life. The quality is great. The reflection it offers is profound. Absolutely beautiful and I am thankful this exists. Highly recommend.
~Phoenix -
No-pressure way to journal and reflect on the Word.
This Sword of the Spirit journal approach is something that I resonate with since I am more inclined to do more prayer and meditative journaling in my own time and no coercion from anyone. There are no dates to follow, so I feel genuinely secure that I can do this in my own time, which feels more authentic to me. The prompts are easy and also has unprepared encouragement to dive deeper into reflecting biblical stories and verses. The amount of space to journal on the left side of the pages are just enough for me. I also felt comforted knowing more about the story and intention of intention of author backed up by his loved ones and peers, so I can feel the love behind the pages and the Holy Spirit's presence in this journal.
~JC -
Inspirational Journal
This Sword of the Spirit is a lovely journal. So many beautiful quotes from the bible that definitely inspire one to do better and be better. Lovely engraving on the cover and smooth lovely paper for journaling. I am already filling this journal with my thoughts. Very giftable for friends and family.
~Wishful Thinking -
Incredible quality! Inspirational!
This was a gift to the man in my life and he was very touched by it. The book was incredibly well made with leather binding and thick pages. The quotes and pages to write in for 'shadow work' and 'light work' was well thought out. I have to admit, it makes me want one for every friend, relative and person I know going through a challenging time. If you are on the fence, I highly recommend buying it.